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About Us

Zubee is standing with crutches and her head is turned slightly to the left looking at the camera, smiling. She is wearing a black blazer with a plain white collard shirt with closed buttons. She has curly hair opened with one side of her hair over her right shoulder

Zubee is the founder of Access My Events, founded in September 2018. She started working in the hospitality industry and then moved on to work and volunteer for a number of different charities and an online disability lifestyle magazine, all of which helped her develop as a person, gain more confidence and skills to develop further in her career. She has over 10 years of volunteering experience but like many disabled people, she found it hard to find a job in the events industry so she decided to take the leap and start her own business.  

Business is something Zubee has wanted to pursue for a long time, and as a disabled person new to business she found there was a lack of support when she first started. It has been difficult to get businesses to believe in our idea and what we're trying to do. Thinking back to the organisations Zubee approached she found it hard to get the right guidance and support from them to get it off the ground. There have been times we wanted to give up, but since then we have connected with with some amazing people who have been supporting her on her business start-up journey. Zubee says "Without them, I wouldn’t have been able to keep pursuing my goal of having my own business."

We have organised and supported many organisations with their events, some of which include a groundbreaking fashion show to include disabled and non-disabled designers and models, and being part of coordinating the UK's largest conference for disabled entrepreneurs, including many other exciting events. Go to the gallery section on our website to learn more and watch the showreel below.

In July 2023, we entered the SBS competition and didn't expect to win. When it was announced that Access My Events was chosen as a winner of Small Business Sunday, (SBS),we couldn't believe it. This is one of the UK's leading business networks founded by Dragons Den star, Theo Paphitis. To have support from Theo motivated and inspired us to keep pushing our business goals. We also got the opportunity to exhibit for the first time at the Disability Expo, this was a two-day event dedicated to the disability community. In addition to this, we host a podcast called My Voice, which gives disabled people from ethnic minority backgrounds a platform to share their stories, which often goes unheard. Our podcast is available to listen to on Spotify.

In November 2023, Zubee made history as the first disabled person to model at Europe's largest Asian Wedding Show, raising awareness in the fashion industry and challenging perceptions of disability. You can read more about this in the blog section of our website.

We look forward to working and partnering with businesses interested in attracting disabled people to attend their events and making inclusivity a staple part of organising an event. If you are an individual or business that would like to find out more, please get in touch with us by email at zubee@accessmyevents.co.uk or call us on 07305 244993.

The more businesses that come on board the bigger the difference we can make together.