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Events Gallery

Hate Crime Affects Us All - Big Learning Event

Hate Crime Affects Us All - Big Learning Event

Zubee supported the event lead in organising this event, raising awareness about disability hate crime with support from (DDPO's) Deaf and Disabled People's Organisations from across all London boroughs.read more »

UN International Day for Deaf and Disabled People

UN International Day for Deaf and Disabled People

Our founder supported the CEO of Kaleidoscope Investments with logistics for the event. Every year on 3rd December organisations put on events and activities to celebrate and promote an understanding of disability and to raise awareness.read more »

Parallel London

Parallel London

Parallel London was the UK’s first fully inclusive mass participation sporting event. It was an opportunity for everybody, disabled or not, to come together at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in a national celebration of inclusion and diversity. here were five different push/run challenges... read more »

Disability Horizons Team Exhibiting At Naidex

Disability Horizons Team Exhibiting At Naidex

Naidex is Europe's largest independent living exhibition which takes place every year for disabled people. It has many exhibitors showcasing the latest technology and innovations in the marketplace.read more »

No Barriers To Business - Disabled Entrepreneurs Event

No Barriers To Business - Disabled Entrepreneurs Event

We supported Kaleidoscope Investments in putting together a Dragons Den-style event. This was an opportunity for disabled entrepreneurs to pitch their ideas to successful business owners.read more »

Disabled Entrepreneurs Conference

Disabled Entrepreneurs Conference

Together with Kaleidoscope Investments, we were part of coordinating the UK’s largest conference for disabled entrepreneurs with over 150 people in attendance.read more »

Surprise Dinner and Dance Party

Surprise Dinner and Dance Party

Zubee organised a surprise dinner and dance party to celebrate her qualifying and gaining her law degree surrounded by friends and family. read more »

International Day for Deaf and Disabled People

International Day for Deaf and Disabled People

Responsible for putting together an entertainment event for Action on on Disability. Council had given a budget of £5,000 and I had 3 months to put it together. This included a disabled Jazz band, a disabled comedian and a disabled artist. The event was... read more »

Fashion with Passion show

Fashion with Passion show

One of Zubee's most memorable events that she organised was the first groundbreaking fashion show, called Fashion with Passion, which featured disabled and non-disabled designers and models. It was the first time she put on an event of this kind.  Zubee wanted to do the... read more »

Launch of Action on Disability's Accessible Kitchen

Launch of Action on Disability's Accessible Kitchen

Action on Disability had an accessible kitchen fitted for the young people to learn cooking skills. The event was supported by the local mayor and received local press coverage.read more »